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As an avid sports fan I believe my teams will win. I believe the Tigers will win the World Series, the Lions and Michigan Wolverines will win their football games. I believe the Red Wings will play this year and the Pistons will be better.

I am frequently disappointed and after a "rough weekend" I started thinking about what's really important. Is it important to believe in my Tigers or important to believe in my family?

I love my sports and the competition but it's only a game. I believe in what I can do in this world. I believe that I have the best wife in the world. I believe that we will love each other for eternity. I believe in my daughters. I believe that they are intelligient, strong, and beautiful (like their mom!).

I believe that I have friends who care about me and will share in my laughes and good times. 

I believe that I live in the best country in the world. I believe that, while not perfect, the upcoming elections allow us to use our votes for our choices. I believe that the politicians, local and national, will work together to continue to improve our lives and opportunities.

I believe that God has given each of us talents to share. I believe that we will use those talents to make a difference.

I believe that while no one is perfect we will do what we can. We might make mistakes but I believe that we will be forgiven. I believe I will be loved and I will love others.

I believe, do you?

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